Training accessible to all those who wish to transform, understand and strengthen the functioning of their immunity, health and well-being.

Living life to the full will no longer hold any secrets for you!

Immunity Pack | 27 keys to increase your immunity

What holistic mean?

Holistic support means taking into account your whole being. Your ailments are not isolated; you are a whole. So it's one of the best ways to enhance

your well-being.

This training will enable you to transform your life by strengthening the foundations on which

Holistic Health is based:

Physical, Emotional, Environmental, Organic, Nutritional, Intellectual, Financial and Spiritual.

Immunity is impacted by each of these aspects! They can therefore become a strength or a weakness, depending on your awareness.

This course provides a foundation that can be adapted to everyone, so that you can finally enjoy life, and no longer suffer the vagaries of the seasons, viruses or the environment.

Have you ever wanted to feel good enough, both physically and psycho-emotionally, so that you don't have to worry about tomorrow?

If you're prepared to go all the way: these promises are accessible to everyone!

It's up to you to change your life.

Get a Real Transformation

Modules are unlocked every week for 4 weeks, i.e. 1 month of transmission to incorporate into your daily life.

The entire course has been recorded in audio format so that you can immerse yourself in the advice and lessons in a different way.

Here you have all the keys you need to change your daily life and boost your immunity tenfold. Discover the 27 keys and change your life now!

You're probably wondering if this training is right for you? Will you be able to reorganize your daily routine to improve your life? Perhaps you doubt your abilities?

This training course has been designed to give you the best possible support. You'll benefit from 3 follow-up phone calls to answer your questions.

You're about to be called by a certified Traditherapist and/or Naturopath!

  • Call n°1: Is training right for me? Before training
  • Call n°2: Mid-program - Unlock your blocks
  • Call n°3: End of program - The keys to never turning back

Call n°2 and Call n°3

Schedule available in your training



What's immunity?

Nutrition and protection

  • Cleansing the body : organisms
  • Skin: a bulwark to maintain
  • Foods to avoid
  • Super foods to eat
  • Bad food reflexes


Environment and lifestyle

  • Clean up your home
  • Prioritize your daily routine
  • Strong and gentle physical activity
  • Annual waste sorting
  • Say bye to procrastination


Psycho-emotional support

  • Define your state for action
  • Create projections
  • Taking ownership of your uniqueness
  • Mother tinctures and essential oils
  • Accept your life cycles


Energy and crystals

  • Introduction
  • Protective crystals
  • Liberator crystals
  • Your first set of crystals
  • Cleaning and storing your crystals
  • Meditation and care
  • Post-care symptoms

5 Videos available in your training


Is training difficult?

The training isn't difficult in itself, but it will require a real personal commitment on your part. You won't be able to achieve any change without accepting that certain aspects of your life may no longer be healthy for you, and making the necessary choices accordingly.

In this training course, you'll have all the keys you need to close certain doors and open new ones!

At what age can we start?

I recommend this course for 15-year-olds and over.

Why do you think so? Because you need a certain maturity and awareness to work on yourself.

Nevertheless, many elements can be transposed to the education of younger children. Treatments such as essential oils, gemmotherapy, etc. provide concrete examples of how to care for your children from the age of 6.

Can my endometriosis be relieved?

Yes, everything we've mentioned will give you a body, mind and energy that's better prepared to combat the variations in force/stress your body undergoes. So you'll naturally be more resistant to the various ailments that can be attributed to endometriosis.

I get sick a lot, is it good for me?

Absolutely. It's true that all pathologies have their own specific needs. Nevertheless, you need to understand that a large number of ailments and illnesses can be cured or reduced by taking into account your health on a Holistic level as seen above.

It's not magic; you'll have to invest yourself. But isn't living in better health an absolute reward?

Is this training for Women or Men?

Training is open to Men and Women who want to improve their quality of life.

Unlimited Sponsorship

In this training you automatically benefit from Unlimited Sponsorship!

What is Referral? On a daily basis, we all recommend what we like, what makes us feel good, what has stimulated our daily life and what... Especially when we want to take care of our loved ones.

Unlimited sponsorship is my way of thanking you for passing on this training to your friends and family. This means that you'll receive 20% of the training price, as soon as someone starts the adventure thanks to you. Each time a member of your entourage purchases a new training course thanks to your link, you'll be a double winner.

You'll be contributing to their general well-being, and you'll receive your earnings directly into your account.

All the details in the training

COMPLEMENTARY Training and Guides

Each element has been created to strengthen your being

They will, in turn, enhance your well-being on different levels.

Independent but complementary, they will add a stone to the edifice of your transformation.

Discover them by clicking on the images