Traditional therapist - Holistic Health - Hélène

My sole aim : To help you make your health your ally at every stage of your life.

Suffering from fibromyalgia, endometriosis and functional colopathy, to name but a few, it took me years to figure out how to balance my well-being, strengthen my body and allow it to accumulate more strength and youth than it could have hoped for. It's important to me to make your health a strength, whether you have a particular pathology or not. Give yourself the chance to truly experience the sensation of living with absolute well-being

Thanks to this training, you'll gain unexpected vitality.

To start your transformation, I've put together a free masterclass :

Strengthening your mental health with probiotics

What you need to know

My programs are designed primarily for Women, but I encourage spouses and fathers to take part. To listen to your wives and daughters, you need to understand them, so welcome!

You can choose a specific program to meet your needs, or combine all 3 to regenerate your entire organism. They are complementary and unique to each other.

Whether it's Health, Gut or Womb, in addition to all the elements listed in the program section, you'll have a detailed roadmap to follow, day after day for 28 days, to help you achieve real results.

These 3 programs are for you if :

Health care

  • You're looking for a balance between your mental and physical health
  • You feel your immunity isn't protecting you enough
  • You have muscular and/or joint pain, whether related to your sedentary or active job, to physical activity or to pathologies that sometimes require treatment
  • You want to improve the quality of your metabolism to better eliminate toxins
  • Would you like to discover what it's like to live with energy and strength that's beyond you?
  • Would you like to discover natural alternatives for maintaining your well-being all year round

Gut care

  • Do you regularly suffer from stomach pains and/or a bloated belly?
  • Do you feel that your microbiota is useless?
  • Are you psychologically and emotionally more sensitive?
  • Do you want to understand the link between hormones, trauma and the gut, so you can regain control of your life?
  • You're tired of feeling uncomfortable in your body
  • You definitely want to understand the link between the gut and the brain, so you can make the most of your abilities in all circumstances and increase your well-being tenfold.

Womb care

  • You want to understand how your womb works, so you can care for it, protect it, enable it to function better and/or relieve aches and pains.
  • You'd like to learn how to stimulate the energy base in your womb to embrace your strength.
  • You've come to understand that your period have a real impact on each of your days, and you'd like to better organize your daily routine so that you're no longer affected by them.
  • Your fertility is in turmoil and you'd like concrete advice on how to deal with it.
  • You want to get rid of your traumas

What you'll get in each program


Health care

Week 1 : Understand and optimize your health

Week 2 : Eliminate physical and mental toxins

Week 3 : Sleep, stress and chronic fatigue : how to find your balance

Week 4 : Selfcare | Hydrology, self-massage, meditation, poultices and crystals

Bonus : 5 superfoods for your cupboards

+ all the items included above

Gut care

Week 1 : Understanding and strengthening your gut

Week 2 : Gut-brain connections

Week 3 : Acidity and fermentation, creating your soldiers

Week 4 : Traumas and hormones, their influence on your well-being

Bonus : Micro-nutrients to choose

+ all the items included above

Womb care

Week 1 : Understanding your womb

Week 2 : Environment, pathology and trauma

Week 3 : Energy and feminine power

Week 4 : Period and menopause - regain control of your daily life

Bonus : Fertility: vitamins and advice - my health checklist

+ all the items included above

Private session - Programs

1h30 session + personalized protocol

In addition to training, I offer private sessions to help you achieve very specific changes, such as :

Medication and natural care

  • How to stop or reduce your medication
  • Analyze your medications to identify potential side effects
  • Natural alternatives to your treatments
  • You don't have a treatment but would like a natural treatment protocol to specify

General and natural care

  • Take stock of your blood tests and other examinations to ensure that the program meets your every need, without exception.
  • Help you turn your uniqueness into strength, and move from knowledge to action for the rest of your life.

Session worth 350€ in addition to the programs, if you would like me to accompany you personally

I answer the most frequently asked questions

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Inside U - Podcast

Every week on Mondays and Tuesdays, I publish 2 articles on the Maâ website, which I record as podcasts so that you can listen to them absolutely anywhere.

Stay tuned

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